“Can you see anything?” a Spark hero asked me as he met my gaze through the end of a paper tube.
“No!” I replied with a knowing smile.
“Abra…ca….DABRA!” he exclaimed, quickly pulling a scarf out of the other end with sparkles in his eyes. It was our Science of Magic Exhibition, and the heroes couldn’t have been more excited. As the parents had arrived, heroes greeted them and handed them a program they had designed themselves, welcoming them to sit in the open seats in front of the stage area of the studio.

Elementary heroes dressed in red shirts and black capes and hats sat excitedly for the show to begin. Spark heroes entered wearing paper magician hats they had made. Everyone couldn’t wait to perform what they had been practicing for the past 4 weeks.
The audience cheered as each hero presented their magic trick. Each was special – yet one in particular was surprising.
One 8 year old hero had just come to us at our Science of Magic Summer Camp, and each day he struggled with confidence. Confidence to join in discussions, to share his voice, to ask his fellow travelers for help when he needed it and to engage in team challenges like the water bucket over-the-head challenge. Yet each day he didn’t give up. He would take the space he needed, let his emotions settle and try again. Slowly, over the 4 weeks he developed more and more confidence.

As this hero approached the stage to perform his trick, he walked with pride with his head held high. He engaged with the audience in a way that you’d expect from a magician on America’s Got Talent – and finished his trick with a big smile and a bow, as the audience cheered.
This young hero had experienced a moment where he felt at home, confident, and accepted.
Day by day, in an accepting community, this young hero is discovering his voice, his passions, and in time – will discover his calling in life.
What a privilege to be a part of each young hero’s journey of becoming!
P.S. – Enjoy a few more snapshots of summer camp – where we spent half of the day outside engaged in outdoor loose parts challenges, games and art and the other half inside exploring the Science of Magic! The heroes had a blast! After our Exhibition, we even enjoyed watching some magic tricks from a professional magician, and enjoyed ice cold treats from the snow cone truck to celebrate the heroes accomplishing their Conflict Resolution challenge!