It Starts with One

Vulnerability is a gift that few experience. Yet, when one breaks the silence, others are attracted – even invited. Vulnerability is like fresh air rushing into a stuffy room. The calmness that floods each soul. The assurance that even in the midst of the chaos, a path is revealed, showing that everything will be alright.
Real feedback, Real growth

Receiving authentic feedback from a real-world test like an Exhibition is one aspect that makes this learning experience so powerful.
The whisper of becoming

Without arguing or pointing out his change of heart toward them, he humbly signed the slip, owning his mistake.
A heart of inclusion

Leadership and power. Two words that often get mixed up and confused – like the swirling gray mist of a dense fog, or the the stickiness of fingers after eating a piece of bread dripping with honey.
“I love it that you don’t give up”

Whether losing a game or a vote, engaging a challenging work, or failing to make it across the monkey bars – our heroes have experiences every day that disappoint them.